These ceremonial ceramics are made with the intention of inviting presence. Through the curiosity and delight of playing with earth, water, fire, and air, the clay vessels alchemise into form for the functional use of presence practices, such as tea ceremony, cacao ceremony, and other medicinal rituals.
The land on which these pieces are created helps to guide the production of this pottery. The play of light and moisture of the Big Scrub Forest surrounds, the colourful and inquisitive native animals, and the sound and energy of the mother waters of Tuntable Creek, inspire an expression of shape and colour through the receptive potter’s hands in order to ignite reverence and inner stillness.
With the purpose of improving sustainability, Spiral Earth Pottery is in the process of involving locally sourced glaze materials and various alternative firing techniques. Gratitude to Mother Earth for the use of the raw elements to make these ceramics.
May these ceramic pieces be an aid to open our hearts, evoke presence, and dissolve us into conscious being.

Spiral Earth Pottery believes in supporting local economy and community sustainability, so you can find us pottering at local markets, such as The Channon Craft Market, in the Northern Rivers NSW.
A few of our ceremonial ceramics are also found on the shelves of our lovely local stockists:
The Green Bank, Nimbin NSW
Our ceramics are uniquely handcrafted with the intention of each piece being used in reverence to the presence in all of us.
We value sustainable practices for the health and longevity of our planet home, therefore we endeavour to consciously select the materials used for production and for packaging our products.
Spiral Earth Pottery donates to Carbon Positive Australia to support their native tree planting projects and ecosystem restoration, in order to offset any carbon footprint we may produce in the operation of our small pottery business.